Earth is a really dumb planet !!!
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Tristan Beeline
20 years ago
If Earth has a problem with humans polluting it, WHY doesn't Earth
just allow the humans to go to outer space ?

Just give up gravity and let us travel to Mars and Earth would be

But no, Earth needs us humans, cannot exist without humans.

Either that, or Earth is into BDSM and loves being tortured ...
20 years ago
Post by Tristan Beeline
If Earth has a problem with humans polluting it, WHY doesn't Earth
just allow the humans to go to outer space ?
Just give up gravity and let us travel to Mars and Earth would be
George... George Bush... Is that you???

"We must create a <economic> crisis in order to ensure that there is no
alternative to a smaller government." - Bush - Imprimus Magazine 1995.

"We seek to remove resources from the control of the state, thereby starving
it." - International Society for Individual Liberty - NeoCon Libertarian.

"Throughout his term, Bush has implied tax cuts would starve the government,
paying for themselves by causing budget deficits that, in turn, would place
heavy pressure on Congress to lower spending." - Jeff Lemieux - Senior
Economist - Progressive Policy Institute.

"They have an agenda which is to starve the government of revenue. But in
order to get it through, they keep on having to pretend that the tax cuts
are affordable, and so they've been suppressing the likely cost of
everything, including the war on terror." - Paul Krugman - Economist.
Roger Coppock
20 years ago
Have you read the "Out of the Silent Planet" SF series by C.S. Lewis?